AP Top Political News at 12:52 a.m. EST

Biden’s visit to Baltimore will highlight the rail tunnel project
An examination of classified documents pushes Biden’s thinking into the spotlight
Biden, McCarthy to discuss debt ceiling in talks on Wednesday
Concerns over the prayer breakfast cause Congress to take over.
Experts urge better opioid rescue drug to save lives
Do federal subsidies support highway maintenance rather than expansion?
When he visited Blinken, the Israeli-Palestinian cauldron challenged America.
Iowa Democrats tout former House candidate as…

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Biden’s visit to Baltimore will highlight the rail tunnel project

An examination of classified documents pushes Biden’s thinking into the spotlight

Biden, McCarthy to discuss debt ceiling in talks on Wednesday

Concerns over the prayer breakfast cause Congress to take over.

Experts urge better opioid rescue drug to save lives

Do federal subsidies support highway maintenance rather than expansion?

When he visited Blinken, the Israeli-Palestinian cauldron challenged America.

Iowa Democrats have chosen a former House candidate as the new state leader

Source: Dutch, Japanese join US curbs on Chinese chip tech

Trump in 2016 2024 When they opened, he said he was more ‘committed’ than ever.

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