Gary Sinise Talks Being a Conservative in Hollywood – The Hollywood Reporter

Gary Sinise is opening up about how his political beliefs have affected his career in Hollywood.

In the year An actor known for his role as Lt. Dan, who was nominated for an Oscar in 1994 Forrest GumpHe talked to Chris Wallace on Friday’s show Who is talking to Chris Wallace?.

In 2004, Sinisei publicly opened up about his political views, even to Friends of Abe, a Hollywood conservative group. When asked if conservatives in the entertainment industry need a support group, Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders The actor laughed in response, saying it was set “in the early days of the Iraq war.”

“I think it was really motivated by … what happened to the Vietnam veterans and the lack of support they got and the way they were treated and then we regretted it,” he added. “I don’t want our Iraq war and Afghanistan war veterans to be victims of such things. I wanted to get in there and support them. So, I started looking for people who were in the same camp as me on this issue. And I met other people in the film and television business that were fun to hang out with.

In the year In 1974, after Sinise graduated from high school, he founded the Steppenwolf Theater Company in Highland Park, IL. In the year It is the city where a mass shooting took place during the Independence Day parade on July 4, 2022. A few blocks from the scene and actually walked through the parade as a kid.

Speaking about his support for the Second Amendment and gun control, the actor said, “We obviously need multiple solutions. There is no single solution to this dire problem.”

“I’m not the one to know exactly what to do about all this. … One thing I do know is that you can’t get rid of guns,” he added. “Guns are here to stay. They’ve always been a part of American history. So, what do we do now that we think we should have access to this simple weapon? Or people who shouldn’t have access to guns? What do we do? It’s a complicated situation. I don’t think there’s one solution.

Asked if he could have had a big Hollywood career if he’d focused on acting, he said, “I’ve had some great opportunities” and “I can’t complain about my acting career.”

“I’ve had a blessed career in film and television and the theater business,” Sinise said. “I’ve done amazing things, I’ve worked with amazing people, and while it may not have played a key role in what I’m doing today through ministry, it’s played a big role.”

of Apollo 13 Actor Gary Sinise Foundation The charity has a program called RISE that creates smart homes for wounded US veterans.

Sinise explained that during his career, he eventually began to choose projects that served his larger mission, “There were a few projects that I took on because it fit with what I was doing on the ministry side. For example… I did nine seasons. CSI: New York. Now, every week I had this public forum on television. I am playing a character who is not only a police officer but also a veteran and a member of the 9/11 family. That gave me an opportunity to publicly honor the men and women we lost on September 11th and the firefighters we lost.

“Then he came along Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders. … I did that because it aligned with the mission,” he continued. “I can choose specifically based on what life is, and right now life is very much about giving back and trying to serve our former community and our first responder community.”

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