Investors watch The research gives Shiba Inu an average long-term technical score of 61. In addition to being relative to long-term averages, the proprietary scoring system takes into account historical trading patterns from recent months to one year. The analysis helps traders to determine whether there is currently a strong buy and hold opportunity. SHIB has a long-term technical analysis score that outperforms over 61% of cryptos in circulation at this time. The long-term phase will be most useful for buy-and-hold type investors who want strong steady growth when allocating their assets. Combining high long-term and short-term technical results helps portfolio managers find bottom-up tokens.

Marketing analysis
SHIB’s current trading price of $0.000011791 is $0.0000021 (21.84%) above the token’s 100-day moving average of $0.000009677. SHIB meanwhile is $0.0000046 (-152835526.57%) higher than the 52-week low of $0.000007197 and -$0.00002314 (-28631426.29%) higher than the 52-week high of $0.0000. Shiba Inu’s current price against the token’s long-term average and 52-week high and low gives the crypto average a long-term technical score of 61. SHIB’s price movement and range suggest investors are neutral on this signal. time. Shiba Inu has a total market capitalization of $6,473,920,368.11 and a high average daily volume of $1,830,067,721.59 in a typical 24 hour period. Over the past 24 hours, SHIB volume is below average, with a total of $320,895,519.74 exchanged.
Trading patterns for the Shiba Inu over the past year lead to the token’s average long-term technical score of 61, as its consistency, volatility and correlation with long-term averages have given investors reason to remain neutral on the image. Click here for a full report on the Shiba Inu (SHIB).
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